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Most comprehensive SBG listing ever

Advancing in a Forward Direction is the most comprehensive listing ever of the buses and coaches purchased by what was commonly known as the Scottish Bus Group, covering the period from 1946 to 1991. The start date was chosen as the year when what was then the Scottish Motor Traction Group of companies started buying new postwar models. The closing date marks the end of state ownership of the Group, which had been nationalised in 1949.

In this book there are details not only of the 11,166 buses and coaches bought new by the Group, but also the 1,171 buses and coaches of 23 different chassis makes acquired from the 52 operators taken over by the Group, and almost 700 second-hand purchases.

The principal section covers new purchases, with the vehicles arranged alphabetically by chassis manufacturer, from AEC to Volvo, with an overview of each model setting the Group’s purchases in context. 


Advancing in a Forward Direction, by Stewart J Brown

A tour de force” – Buses magazine, August 2017

A mine of information

A variety of buses in Paisley

Never before has so much data on SBG’s vehicles been gathered together in a single volume. The opening spreads of the eight-page section on Daimler (above) and of the 17-page section on AEC (below) give a taste of the approach to detailing the Group’s new vehicles, with high-quality photographs, period advertising and descriptive text. This is supported by tables which give basic specification information for each model and show deliveries arranged company by company.

Clyde coast independents

Publishing details

Advancing in a Forward Direction

Stewart J Brown

Hard cover
250 mm by 215 mm


Colour + B&W photos
Over 300



Buy this book now »

Facts and figures
  • Details of every bus and coach bought by the Group from 1946
  • Quotes from road tests and contemporary press comments
  • A map showing the Group’s route network in 1951

Every manufacturer is covered
The SBG story isn't just about the old-established manufacturers like AEC and Daimler. Equal weight is given to the 197Os newcomers including Volvo, Seddon, MCW, Scania and, as shown below, Leyland National.

The SBG story is not just about the old-established manufacturers like AEC and Daimler. Equal weight is given to the 197Os newcomers including Volvo, Seddon, MCW, Scania and, as shown above, Leyland National.

There’s coverage of acquired businesses...
Vehicles from the small – and not so small – operators taken over by the Group are detailed in 2O pages, with photographs which cover such varied types as a three-axle Albion, an ex-London RT, a Trojan, an ex-Edinburgh Leyland Atlantean and a Van Hool Astron.

Vehicles from the small – and not so small – operators taken over by the Group are detailed in 20 pages, with photographs which cover such varied types as a three-axle Albion, an ex-London RT, a Trojan, an ex-Edinburgh Leyland Atlantean and a Van Hool Astron.

… and second-hand buses too
There are 16 pages covering buses bought second-hand. These included London Transport Guy Arabs, Daimler Fleetlines and AEC Routemasters, along with ex-NBC Lodekkas, and oddities such as Guy Arab UF coaches from Red & White. They're all here.

There are 16 pages covering buses bought second-hand. These included London Transport Guy Arabs, Daimler Fleetlines and AEC Routemasters, along with ex-NBC Lodekkas, and oddities such as Guy Arab UF coaches from Red & White. They’re all here.

 Web design by Wordspree

Web design by Wordspree